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Why We're Thrilled To See Joe Jonas Promoting Injectables
September 22, 2022
As beauty industry and MedSpa obsessives, we were excited to see that Joe Jonas is the new spokesperson for Xeomin, an injectable similar to Botox that treats wrinkles. But you might be wondering, why does this matter? Don’t celebrities partner with beauty brands all the time? And you’d be right! Gwyneth Paltrow has also been a spokesperson for Xeomin, and everyone from Rihanna to the Kardashians to Ariana Grande have beauty brands of their very own. Celebrities do product endorsements all the time. It is, in a sense, something that happens on any regular Tuesday: celebrity promotes beauty product. It’s probably like half of your Instagram feed at this point.
But there’s more to this story. The fact that a celebrity man is the latest spokesmodel for an injectable thrills us, because it shows that stigma around these treatments for men is fading. Joe even said so himself in an interview with People magazine:
“There were all these talks at one point, like, ‘Oh, men can’t do this or it’s weird for guys to do that,’ and I think there’s a stigma that’s fading, and I like that. Guys are more openly wearing makeup, and it’s great to see. It’s like, do whatever you want, you know? It’s a beautiful generation that we’re living in.”
Jonas also revealed that he had Xeomin injected in between his eyebrows to soften his frown lines. We think it looks great, and super natural! So let’s get into why it matters that Joe Jonas is endorsing this kind of treatment.
Societal beauty standards for women have been impossible to meet for a long time. And that’s a whole other blog article (or doctoral dissertation, tbh). But men face a different societal pressure: they’re shamed for caring too much–or in “non masculine ways”--about their appearance. It’s assumed that men would prefer to spend as little time as possible on grooming or self-care (we see you, three-in-one bottle claiming to be shampoo, body wash, and face cleanser at the same time). We expect very little from men in terms of personal care and grooming, and if anyone appears to try “too hard,” they can get made fun of.
Sure, no one raises an eyebrow if a man is putting in hours getting swole at the gym, but for some reason we draw the line at him applying eye cream or–gasp!--a spot of concealer under his eyes. Muscles=good. Makeup=bad. It’s so limiting!
We’re calling time on that. Enough is enough. Social pressures to keep men “manly” are actually keeping men from doing things that would make them feel better about themselves. That just isn’t fair.
At Upkeep, we’re all about freedom, especially freedom of expression. We’re a startup that makes booking MedSpa treatments less intimidating and less complicated. Because we believe that self-care and beauty treatments belong to everyone. No one should be embarrassed about or ashamed of taking care of themselves.
If you’re a man reading this, and you’re interested in MedSpa treatments, know that it doesn’t make you any less manly–trust us! Caring about how you look isn’t an automatically feminine trait–the centuries-old tradition of aesthetic bodybuilding proves otherwise. Frank Sinatra was one of the most powerful men in entertainment in his day and remains an icon of masculinity. And even he wore makeup sometimes on the left side of his face where he had scarring. Many male celebs still wear makeup on the red carpet and in movies and television. They just get professionals to apply it so it doesn’t look too noticeable.
It’s normal and reasonable to care about how you look because that’s just how humans are. Most of Hollywood’s leading men–get a little ‘tox and Juvederm and other MedSpa treatments. They just aren’t telling us about it–except for men like Joe Jonas. And we give him props for starting a new trend of being open, honest, and excited about getting MedSpa treatments as a man. We hope that more celebrity men follow, and help erase the stigma around self expression and self-care for men.